+380681493202 +380672819190 ztm.termolitmash@gmail.com


A significant part of the steel workshops in the former USSR was built and put into operation in the second half of the 20th century. Since then, the industry has made great strides. In such conditions, modernization of metallurgical workshops is the only possible way to stay in business.

LLC » Zavod Termolitmash» offers the development and implementation of programs for complex and phased modernization of metallurgical production. The costs of such projects quickly pay off due to increased production efficiency and product quality.

The modernization process completely depends on the current state and characteristics of a particular production, but in any case, it consists of three main stages:

  1. In-depth analysis of the production line in its current state.
  2. Selection and implementation of solutions for updating and improvement.
  3. Full support in the planning, implementation and operation of the selected solutions.

Thus, after modernization, the enterprise receives a modern and efficient metallurgical production, taking into account regional and corporate conditions.


Upgrading the equipment of metallurgical workshops has many positive effects. First of all, energy consumption is reduced. Various upgrades are used to reduce energy consumption:

  • — installation of modern electrical equipment for the small power supply circuit of EAF;
  • — optimization of cable strings;
  • — improvement of cooling and gas removal systems;
  • — lines of continuous charge supply;
  • — electric motors of an electrode holder, steel carriers, slag carriers and other equipment.
  • Reducing energy costs is only one aspect of production modernization.

Increasing the quantity of produced material and products with increasing quality is quite achievable thanks to the automation of the production process. Thus, modernization of the foundry allows metallurgical companies not only to stay afloat, but to actively compete in the market.


We have a staff of specialists who are engaged in the design, manufacture and installation of steel and manufacturing equipment. The range of services provided includes all the work required for modernization, so you don’t have to work with many contractors.

After the completion of the work, we will provide comprehensive support and service for the installed equipment. If the project included the installation of a remote maintenance module, then even the presence of our specialist is not required for diagnostics